
Installing openSUSE 10.3 with windowmanager XFCE4 was quite tricky. Here I'll explain how I did.

I installed from openSUSE 10.3 DVD on an empty hard-drive. On page Desktop Selection I did choose : Other -> Text Mode.

On next page (Installation Settings) I clicked on Software and checked the XFCE Desktop Environment pattern.

After installation XDM did start. When I logged in, I discovered that my windowmanager was FVWM2 - not XFCE4! This was easily fixed. I logged in as root on a console and opened the configurationfile /etc/sysconfig/windowmanager and changed DEFAULT_WM to startxfce4 .

Restarted XDM with command rcxdm restart and logged in. XFCE4 was starting up..

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